Reine Brand

GSM #114 Emergency Contact

Posted 11th of September by Reine Brand

 Regarding technology in GSM- some tech is pretty advanced, i.e. holograms, communications, robotics, plenty of which humanity cribbed from the few bits of alien tech we managed to acquire. However, a lot of technology has progressed very little, or even regressed. There's also movements of people fascinated with tech from the 20th and 21st centuries, much like we have steampunk, goths and antique enthusiasts today :)


Greasy Space Monkeys is the adventures of two idiots in a dead end job on a run-down space station.

Occasional profanity and frequent absurdity.

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Hi from the Airport
Posted 2018-04-25 by Reine

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates the last few weeks. Preparing to go to the USA has been so hectic that I haven't had a day spare.

  I'm writing this at Sydney International Airport. It's literally the first ten minutes I've had free this week. I've brought some files though, so I'm hoping in the downtime I have between Alaska and Seattle I'll be able to make an update. Thanks for being so patient this year , I appreciate it :)

 I’m so nervous/excited/ possibly phasing into another plane of existence about this trip. So that's a thing.

Anyway, the best way to get little updates of what I'm up to is through twitter - @reinebrand Thank you all for the food suggestions, I may hurt myself but it'll be worth it ;)
